Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Austere Love of a Great Mother


          All of us in here have different heroes. They do have different words and learning or lessons that were inculcated in our minds. They were very important to us because we considered them as our heroes.  They once saved, protected, loved or cared, inspired  and deed so many sacrifices for us.
Ever since the world began, I considered my mother as my hero for she, is the person who let me experience all the good thing that a good person shall wear. When there was a person in the whole world who loved my whole being , specifically the good and bad ones on me and my strengths and my weaknesses that was no other than my great mother. She cared for me as a whole, she thought me how to love other people too, including my enemies. I can’t imagine her having herself in great danger when she labored on me.  She showed great love and sacrifice between life and death. She let me see  how beautiful  the world is . No doubts why I have grown like this because  she taught me how to be a good citizen .
In this world, she is one of those many people who  gave me a great knowledge and to have wisdom. She, as simple  as she is , is my inspiration in my whole  life and will never ever forget that I owe her my life which is full of flying colors.

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