Friday, November 30, 2012

Equalityof Human Rights and Oppurtunities

            "Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism", a brainy quotation from Barry Goldwater.              
            The term “equality”, signify a qualitative relationship. ‘Equality’ signifies correspondence between a group of different objects, persons, processes or circumstances that have the same qualities in at least one respect, but not all respects, regarding one specific feature, with differences in other features. ‘Equality’ needs to thus be distinguished from ‘identity’ — this concept signifying that one and the same object corresponds to itself in all its features: an object that can be referred to through various individual terms, proper names, or descriptions. For the same reason, it needs to be distinguished from ‘similarity’ — the concept of merely approximate correspondence . Thus, to say  that men are equal is not to say that they are identical. Equality implies similarity rather than ‘sameness.’
             Rights are often considered fundamental to civilization, being regarded as established pillars of society and culture, and the history of social conflicts can be found in the history of each right and its development oppurtunity, on the other hand, is defined as a chance for a man, or either, its a favorable or an advantageous circumstances that leads a person to be equally the same wih every other human.             It will never be possible to completely remove all bias or error from the environment around us. However, by being mindful of factors that may cause bias and working to design them out of your humanship and so with the term equality can make people neglect discrimination.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Responding to Climate Change

  ShipTracks MODIS 2005may11.jpg

Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in average weather conditions, or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions. Climate change is caused by factors that include oceanic processes variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics and volcanic eruptions, and human-induced alterations of the natural world; these latter effects are currently causing global warming, and "climate change" is often used to describe human-specific impacts.
         On the broadest scale, the rate at which energy is received from the sun and the rate at which it is lost to space determine the equilibrium temperature and climate of Earth. This energy is distributed around the globe by winds, ocean currents, and other mechanisms to affect the climates of different regions.
Factors that can shape climate are called climate forcings or "forcing mechanisms". These include processes such as variations in solar radiation, variations in the Earth's orbit, mountain-building and continental drift and changes in greenhouse gas concentrations. There are a variety of climate change feedbacks that can either amplify or diminish the initial forcing. Some parts of the climate system, such as the oceans and ice caps, respond slowly in reaction to climate forcings, while others respond more quickly.
         One of the ways on how we are going to respond to climate change is adaptation. Even if CO2 emissions were halted now, the effects of climate change would be felt for at least another 40 years. Actions to help the environment and people cope with these effects are essential and urgent. .Unfortunately the ways in which human society adapts to climate change through changes in agriculture, fisheries and forestry, construction of flood and coastal defences, renewable energy development, water conservation measures and recreation activities can also add to the pressures on wildlife.It is important that planning for each of these sectors takes environmental conservation into consideration.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012



            Another quarter of the school year 2012-2013 had passed. New lessons were been disscussed, new topics and new challenges and trials has arrived again for the next grading period.
Months have passed again and third grading period has arrived. I can say that I have learned a lot of lessons during the second grading period. But amidst all of those knowledges that I’ve learned, I still got low scores during quizzes, and long tests. But with the help of having a lot of friends, I recovered in almost all of our hard subjects. They let me borrow their notes, they also discussed the lessons that I’ve missed and luckily, I can easily catch up with the lessons that I didn’t know before.
              This Grading Period, I learned more about HTML tags. We put background in our exercises. We put pictures and others. I know now how to align images. We improved our exercises, we used our exercises in 2nd grading and we improved it. We insert images and background that makes it wonderful and attractive.
              Moving on I will be more responsible in doing my obligations and responsibilities not only outside the school but also inside if it. I'm excited for the next grading period because I know it is also about HTML. I want to gain more knowledge about making web pages.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

English Proficiency for Communicative Language

                  This month of October is the celebration of the English Olympics and the theme is ‘’English Proficiency for Communicative Language’’.Language proficiency or linguistic proficiency is the ability of an individual to speak or perform in an acquired language. As theories vary among pedagogues as to what constitutes proficiency, there is little consistency as to how different organizations classify it. Additionally, fluency and language competence are generally recognized as being related, but separate controversial subjects.
                   In predominant frameworks in the United States, proficient speakers demonstrate both accuracy and fluency, and use a variety of discourse strategies. Thus, native speakers of a language can be fluent without being considered proficient.Communicative language is an approach to the  second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. It is also referred to as “communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages” or simply the “communicative approach”.                   As a simple citizen of the world, I, myself is very observant to my fellow Filipino citizens. They can’t speak well in English and others don’t  use it correctly  or in a more austere words, people have it been shortcut , English carabao and jejemon, which were not accepted in formal English.We should love to use and speak English as our own native ones.  We can use English , as the international language in any part of the world , anytime and anywhere.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Scientricity: Energizing Science Clubbers for Sustainable Energy

During the month of September in  every added year, we celebrate the month of Science.  This year, 2012-2013, the theme for  the science month is ‘’Scientricity: Energizing Science Clubbers for Sustainable Energy’’.

The term “SCIENTRICITY” is composed of two meaningful  words, Science and Electricity. Science- is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In an older and closely related meaning "science" refers to the body of reliable knowledge itself, of the type that can be logically and rationally. Since classical antiquity science as a type of knowledge was closely linked to philosophy. In the early modern era the words "science" and "philosophy" were sometimes used interchangeably in the English language. 
Electricity - is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge. Electricity gives a wide variety of well-known effects, such as lightningstatic electricityelectromagnetic induction and the flow of electrical current. In addition, electricity permits the creation and reception of electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves.

           The high-technology environment is considered as a prosperous society which  is a highly developed one in which every member of the community derives benefits from a stable and wealthy economy with basic social services, effective core infrastructures, high standards of education and many practical applications of advanced technology.
           Sustainable energy is likely to be the backbone of the future world. Generally, almost every economic activity needs energy in order to maintain healthy conditions and thus be able to gain more profits.
           Thus, we must all  cooperate to have sustainable environment  and must need energizing  energy.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Second Parents of Knowledge



             Teachers were our second parents. They were the ones who teach us to be so good as we are all right at this time.  There were no professionals such as engineers, architects, lawyers, doctors, and the like if there were no such heroes as teachers. I have met different kinds or types of teachers who were like very strict, very high blood, lazy and so many more. Even some of my teachers at past and at present were very strict,  and I really appreciate them because they tend to teach us how to be true in life, to be good by learning in such ways even in the very hard or in  difficult ways.

             Some young teachers were so meek   and humble. They have different ways how to teach students like me. In their simple and patient way , we  students , learns many lessons from our dear teachers . They gave us great knowledge , ideas and moral lessons.

             Our dear teachers opened the world of knowledge, for us students to go to the right path and our second mothers and fathers tend us there. They want us to have bright futures. They give us light to us everyday  because they really feed us the food of knowledge. We should recognize our teachers for they sacrificed a lot for us.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Austere Love of a Great Mother


          All of us in here have different heroes. They do have different words and learning or lessons that were inculcated in our minds. They were very important to us because we considered them as our heroes.  They once saved, protected, loved or cared, inspired  and deed so many sacrifices for us.
Ever since the world began, I considered my mother as my hero for she, is the person who let me experience all the good thing that a good person shall wear. When there was a person in the whole world who loved my whole being , specifically the good and bad ones on me and my strengths and my weaknesses that was no other than my great mother. She cared for me as a whole, she thought me how to love other people too, including my enemies. I can’t imagine her having herself in great danger when she labored on me.  She showed great love and sacrifice between life and death. She let me see  how beautiful  the world is . No doubts why I have grown like this because  she taught me how to be a good citizen .
In this world, she is one of those many people who  gave me a great knowledge and to have wisdom. She, as simple  as she is , is my inspiration in my whole  life and will never ever forget that I owe her my life which is full of flying colors.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tatag ng Wikang Filipino, Lakas ng Pagka-Pilipino


            In every month of the year, we are all celebrating the month of the language in recognition to the Father of Language  who became the President of Commonwealth  here in the Philippines  - Manuel Luis Quezon. The theme of the month of language is ''Tatag ng Wikang Filipino, Lakas ng Pagka-Pilipino.

            The theme means a whole lot of words as an explanation.  Filipinos' strength were shown through our language , on how we love and appreciate the use of  our language . We communicate through our language,  which is very important to us .

             Our national hero, Gat. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Alonzo y Realonda once stated that '' Ang taong di marunong magmahal sa sariling wika ay higit pa sa malansang isda''.

             We, Filipinos should use our own language , love our native tongue  which is the language, Filipino and shall not be ashamed to use it even if they were out  of the country.  We shall not  hate using our national language because it shows that our language is stronger when we use and love Filipino better.