Monday, July 2, 2012

Letter to the President

Dear Mr. President, 
              First of all , I would like to express my warm greeting to you for having a nice day ,Sir President.
              This is my first time to write a letter to the highest ruler of the Philippines that I did never expected to. And only by this time , I can express all my thoughts .  
               In almost two years ,you had ruled  such no place as Philippines ,. But in that two years , maybe some people say that you've done something good  for the Philippines , for the Filipinos.
               Yes, Mr.President that the something that you have done  , is a very big thing for the country you're ruling right now. You have done such a thumbs up work because ruling in a place or a country I should say ,is not an easy work but still we or I  know that you've done  or you're doing your best according to the current news and especially to the observations of a student as observant to their surroundings like me. 
                 Therefore, I do salute you sir President for being a good ruler of the Philippines. I hope that there will be more politicians who can stand for the land they are ruling.
                  Thank you and have a good day!!!
Respectfully yours,
Charlene May Viernes

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